الوفا يطرح إشكالية إغلاق المستوصفات الطبية بمراكش على وزير الصحة
1044 مشاهدة
طرح النائب البرلماني عن جهة مراكش أسفي عبد الرحمان الوفا في سؤال كتابي وجهه إلى وزير الصحة والحماية الاجتماعية إشكالية إغلاق مجموعة من المستوصفات الصحية بمدينة مراكش.
وكشف عبد الرحمان الوفا في سؤاله الكتابي ان المستوصفات الصحية تعتبر عنصرًا أساسيًا في البنية التحتية الصحية، ودعامة قوية للرعاية الصحية الأساسية. خصوصا وهي تشكل نقطة الاتصال الأولى للمواطنات والمواطنين مع النظام الصحي، من خلال توفير رعاية أولية شاملة تشمل التشخيص، العلاج، الوقاية والتعليم الصحي، وهو ما يكاد يكون منعدما اليوم بمدينة مراكش، بعد إغلاق مجموعة من المستوصفات الصحية في مناطق مختلفة، مما أدى إلى تدهور ملحوظ في العرض الصحي، وأثار اليأس والقلق وسط المواطنات والمواطنين بمدينة مراكش خصوصا الفئات التي تعتمد بشكل كبير على هذه المرافق لتلقي الرعاية الصحية.
واعتبر النائب البرلماني عن حزب الأصالة والمعاصرة، إن إغلاق مجموعة من المستوصفات الصحية بالمدينة باعتبارها مؤسسات علاجية تقدم الخدمات الصحية الاولية الضرورية، ساهم في الرفع من حجم الضغط التي تشهده محختلف المؤسسات الاستشفائية الأساسة بالمدينة، وهو ما أربك جودة الخدمات الصحية المقدمة، متسائلا عن الإجراءات و التدابير التي ستتخذها الوزارة في هذا الصدد.
Great job on this post! The content is exceptionally educational and meticulously investigated, providing useful
knowledge into the topic at hand. The way of writing is compelling and moves seamlessly, making it an enjoyable article.
I appreciate the effort put into presenting complex ideas in a straightforward and concise.
This post has undoubtedly expanded my understanding on the subject.
Well done to the author for delivering such a
top-notch work!|I’m thoroughly awed with the quality
of this article. The writer has skillfully presented a
balanced view on the topic, providing both sides of the argument in a equitable and impartial
manner. The research and evidence cited throughout the article add credibility to the points made.
I admire the clearness of the writing, which made it easy to understand and grasp complex ideas.
This post is a precious resource for anyone seeking a thorough understanding of the topic.|This piece is a welcome departure!
The author’s distinctive point of view and innovative approach make it distinguish itself from the rest.
I found myself captivated in the compelling storytelling and the smooth flow
of ideas. The author’s zeal for the topic shines through every
word, making the journey truly enjoyable. I praise the effort
put into creating such an distinctive article. Well done!|This is an outstanding write-up of writing!
The author’s in-depth knowledge of the topic is apparent throughout the write-up.
The precise and brief explanations, paired with supporting illustrations,
make complicated ideas simple to comprehend. I admire the thorough research that went into this article,
as it provides a strong foundation for the arguments presented.
The author’s style of writing is captivating and keeps the audience captivated
until the conclusion. I was impressed by the flawless transition between thoughts and the logical structure of the
article. The author’s aptitude to present nuanced perspectives and provide mind-boggling insights is admirable.
It’s apparent that a lot of energy and expertise went
into creating this remarkable piece. I highly urge it to anyone looking for
a well-crafted and enlightening piece.|I must say, this article surpassed my anticipations!
The comprehensiveness of examination and the unique perspective offered really sets it apart.
The author’s expertise of the subject shines through,
making complicated concepts readily understandable.
The writing style is gripping and grabs the reader’s interest from the very beginning.
I found myself engrossed in the content, eagerly absorbing
every word. This is a praiseworthy piece
of work that deserves recognition. Well done!
Great job on this post! The content is incredibly informative and well-researched, providing precious perspectives into the topic at hand.
The writing style is captivating and moves smoothly, making it an pleasurable read.
I admire the effort put into communicating complex
ideas in a straightforward and manner. This post has undoubtedly expanded my understanding on the
subject. Well done to the writer for delivering such a high-quality work!|I’m thoroughly impressed
with the quality of this write-up. The writer has
expertly presented a balanced view on the subject,
providing both sides of the argument in a just and objective
manner. The studies and evidence cited throughout the piece add validity to the points made.
I appreciate the lucidity of the writing, which made it easy to follow along
and grasp intricate concepts. This post is a invaluable
resource for anyone seeking a thorough understanding of the topic.|This piece is a refreshing change!
The author’s unique perspective and creative approach make it set itself apart from the rest.
I found myself immersed in the captivating storytelling and the seamless flow
of ideas. The author’s passion for the topic shines through every word, making the reading experience truly enjoyable.
I praise the effort put into crafting such an original piece.
Well done!|This is an outstanding write-up of work!
The author’s in-depth knowledge of the topic is clear throughout the piece.
The clear-cut and concise explanations, coupled with supporting illustrations, make complicated concepts simple to grasp.
I admire the extensive research study that went into
this article, as it provides a firm groundwork for the arguments presented.
The author’s style of writing is compelling and keeps the audience captivated until the conclusion. I was
amazed by the smooth transition between thoughts and the rational structure of the write-up.
The author’s ability to present nuanced points and provide mind-boggling
insights is commendable. It’s evident that a lot of work and
expertise went into creating this exceptional piece.
I strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a skillfully written and illuminating read.|I must say, this article exceeded
my anticipations! The depth of examination and the unique perspective provided
really differentiates it apart. The writer’s mastery of the subject is apparent,
making complex concepts effortlessly understandable.
The writing style is gripping and holds the reader’s interest from the very
beginning. I found myself engrossed in the content, enthusiastically absorbing every word.
This is a praiseworthy piece of work that deserves recognition. Well done!