مشاهدة : 2,557

منح عطلة استثنائية للموظفين في عيد الفطر

منح عطلة استثنائية للموظفين في عيد الفطر


بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك، واستنادا إلى مقتضيات المادة الثانية من المرسوم رقم 2.05.916 الصادر في 13 جمادى الثاني 1426 )20 يوليوز2005(بتحديد أيام ومواقيت العمل بإدارات الدولة والجماعات المحلية كما تم تتميمه وتغييره بالمرسوم رقم 880-18-2 بتاريخ 29 من صفر 1440 ‏‏(8 نوفمبر 2018)،‎ قررت الحكومة أن تعطل عن العمل بصفة استثنائية إدارات الدولة والجماعات ‏الترابية ‏يوم الإثنين 24 أبريل 2023، الذي يلي عطلة العيد.

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  1. As: Megha Singh (Sartaj Singh’s Ex-Wife) The infected are a lot scarier and more complex than anyone thought. Will ‘Lopez vs. Lopez’ Return for Season 2 on Netflix? Though the series has the opportunity to bring in more game elements, Castlevania: Nocturne season 2 must avoid the Symphony of Night’s most creepy relationship. Netflix’s animated fantasy series tells the story of vampire hunter Richter Belmont, his sister Maria, and his friend Annette as they attempt to take down a secret vampire group trying to take over during the French Revolution. Shortly after its release, Netflix confirmed Castlevania: Nocturne season 2. Hoping to tie up the many loose ends of their case, Sartaj and Anjali reunite to figure out how the enigmatic Trivedi is linked to Gaitonde’s prophecy.
    “Orange County hosts several volleyball tournaments year-round, across all levels,” said Jay Burress, President & CEO, Visit Anaheim. “While Anaheim is not a beach destination, it is gaining its own reputation internationally as an indoor volleyball destination with the VNL happening at the Anaheim Convention Center this year and then the LA 2028 Summer Olympics volleyball events happening at Honda Center.” This level of volleyball differs from recreational volleyball in the amount of organization necessary for the highly refined application of team strategy and individual skills. Power volleyball demands a quick and alert, extremely well-coordinated athlete, with great stamina to master its complex skills and playing situations. © Volleyball Canada, 2023 Although it is technically not a part of the gameplay of volleyball, each level of volleyball will have some type of rules providing teams with a warmup session. This warmup is usually used by organizers to set up the net at the proper height, place the antennas, and make other preparations. During this time, both teams will get ready for the game by stretching and preparing. Each team will be given full access to the court to practice services and attacks with the net properly set-up for an equal amount of time. The warmup session can vary in length, but it will generally be between 10 and 30 minutes before the official start of the game.

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