مشاهدة : 2,076

المنتخب الوطني النسوي ينهزم أمام زامبيا

المنتخب الوطني النسوي ينهزم أمام زامبيا

انهزم المنتخب الوطني لكرة القدم النسوية أمام نظيره الزامبي بهدفين دون رد، في المباراة الودية التي جمعت بينهما مساء أمس الجمعة على أرضية ملعب « الأب جيكو » بمدينة الدار البيضاء.

وسجل هدفي المباراة اللاعبة باندا باربارا في الدقيقة 55 من ضربة جزاء، و الدقيقة 69.

وسيجري المنتخبان مباراة ودية ثانية يوم الثلاثاء المقبل على أرضية ملعب ولي العهد الأمير مولاي الحسن بالرباط.

وتدخل هاتان المباراتان في إطار استعدادات لبؤات الأطلس للاستحقاقات المقبلة.

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  1. Actor Lee Min-jung in a TV commercial for local skincare brand Skinfood in 2009 Of course, you don’t need to have a shelf full of imported Asian skincare products and skincare tools to reap the benefits of a K-beauty routine. Here, we’ll go over what, exactly, the classic 10-step Korean skincare routine includes and how it’s done. We’ll also teach you how to cultivate a Korean-inspired face care routine with your favorite Kiehl’s products. Read on to get started. Why? The first step is using an oil-based cleanser to remove your makeup and purify your skin from other oil-based impurities (SPF, pollution, grime), important for keeping skin clean to avoid breakouts. « Korean women believe in a holistic approach to skincare, which is why healthy eating and proper sleep are considered to be just as important as the use of skincare products in their daily routines. We believe food is medicine, even when it comes to the skin, and if there is any skin trouble it can be treated by skincare products as well as food. For instance, in Korean culture, if you have a spot on your forehead it is said to mean that your heart has been overworked, and so Korean women will drink green tea or date tea, which are meant to improve heart health. We also value good sleep as much as we value skincare. It is a must to be in bed by 10pm, since 10pm to 2am is considered a ‘golden time’ for skin rest and revitalisation.
    skincare, skincare by hyram, hyram approved, hyram, skincare by hyram, skincare, tik tok star, skincare by hyram, pastel pink, aesthetic pink, pink, black, aesthetic black, retrowave, retro, skincare by hyram, skincare, teen, grunge, vsco, trendy, tik tok One of the things that fans most love about Hyram is his belief that great skincare doesn’t have to come at a high price. To him, ingredients are key and he advises that we should all take a short amount of time to look at the back of our products, read what’s in them and then judge for ourselves if a product is going to be effective for our skin type. The first six ingredients are the ones that are most important, so take a few minutes to google them before you add that new beauty product to your online shopping basket. The key ingredients included in the Centella & Green Tea Daily Gel Cleanser are three percent centella, which helps to soothe skin; green tea, which similarly helps to calm the skin and reduce redness; and glycerin, which is well-known for being ultra-hydrating. Because this product is especially created for sensitive skin types, it’s formulated without any fragrance, which can cause some irritation.

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